What can we do in a time like this? Corona virus has us sitting inside, doing our part to avoid spreading this nasty beast far and wide. It certainly wasn’t part of the 2020 plan we made when we were thinking about fresh starts and New Year’s resolutions.

I’m finding it absolutely heartbreaking and heavy to hear of job losses, businesses folding and people struggling with their mental health through all of this. If we are among the fortunate enough to not be fighting the ills of Covid-19 then one of the hardest elements of navigating our way through this space in time, I think, is the ‘unknown’. How long do we stay in? What will the job landscape look like when it is ‘over’? What about the local and international economies? 

So. Many. Questions!

When I’m puzzled or pondering I like to turn to non-fiction books, ‘self-help’ if you will. The ones that share how people have found their way through or developed a business/lifestyle that worked for them and is far different to the norm. Here’s a quick round up of some books that I think do just this:

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

This is a new release and I’ve been listening to it on Audible. The memoir really examines what happened when Glennon Doyle stopped striving to fit in with ‘social norms’ and expectations — you know, the big heavy ones like she must be a good girl, get married (to a man) and have children… but when she stopped, took a break and made life work on her terms, the magic unfolded. Glennon is such a beautiful storyteller. I love her voice and the one thing that’s made her wildly popular — her truth.

Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Ah, hello!! If you’ve followed me on Instagram then of course you knew I was going to include Marie Forleo in this list. She is the QUEEN of helping people ‘figure it out’. Her attitude and mantra (hint: the book title) comes from growing up with a mum who showed her just that. If your life isn’t working for you – change it. If your business is struggling – pivot and learn. She’s no-BS and you’ll get high on her infectious ‘get it done’ vibe.

Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis 

Maybe you feel confined, hopeless, stuck in a path that you fell into not dreamed of? If so, you want to read this book or listen to it like I did – because, side note, Rachel Hollis has a way of narrating that makes it feel like you’re sipping wine and chatting with a girlfriend! Rachel shows you how to identify what you want without shame and how to put yourself first, even if you have competing interests like young children! Trust me, she’s worth looking into… she recently opened for one of Oprah’s 2020 Vision Tour Talks. Yes, I told you she’s good!

Chillpreneur by Denise-Duffield Thomas

From the woman who made ‘Lucky Bitch’ a desirable moniker, Denise Duffield-Thomas has written this book to show you how you can run a money-making business AND be cool as a cucumber at the same time. I have a well-worn copy and have bought several for different friends who are running or want to run their own business and change their lifestyle. All of Denise’s books are far from dry, they’re delightfully easy reads, and I promise each and every word will lift you to Go Get ‘Em!


Winging It by Emma Isaacs 

Some of my overseas friends might not be familiar with Emma Isaacs but in Australia we know her as the woman who started Business Chicks — a supportive network she built from a few hundred members to thousands. She counts Richard Branson as a mentor and friend! And she has five kids with another on the way! Emma knows how to run with life and make it work for her and her family. This book shows you how to go from dream to job to business and everything in between! And big hint, she covers mummy guilt and why she thinks it’s a wasted emotion.

Work Strife Balance by Mia Freedman

Whoop whoop! I love Mia Freedman almost as much as she loves sequins! She wouldn’t know me from the next person on the street but I feel like she’s a bestie. Why? Because I have read and followed her for a loooooong time, from editing a magazine, to a disastrous stint in TV (as she so openly tells), to a solo blogger at Mamamia to the monumental growth she undertook turning her blog into a women’s media empire. This book is put simply “…for guilty friends, bad mums, crap wives, imperfect feminists, rebellious daughters and any girl with a big mouth and at least one foot in it.” If work and life have you feeling overwhelmed, this book will show you that you are definitely not alone and some of that is probably normal.

I’m currently developing a newsletter — I promise to fill it with whizz-bang glorious information*.

*I’m on a mission to get everyone storytelling through their business, brand or as individuals (writers, artists, etc).